January 29, 2021

Books that we just COULD NOT FINISH

As every book lover knows, for every hundred books you read there’s bound to be at least one or two that you just can’t make it all the way through. In this episode of Novelbound, we dive into the books on our shelves that we just can NOT finish.

Anna starts off the list by exposing that she couldn’t make it all the way through The Hobbit. She noted that she found the book felt very drawn out and emotionless which led her to zone out every time she tried to dive in. However, she DID sparknote the book because she felt so bad about not enjoying it. This is one of the rare instances that the movie adaptation was, in fact, way better than the book itself. The characters had a lot more dimension to them in comparison to the books. And a bonus point: the music from the movie soundtrack are some of her and Jalen’s all-time favorites to listen to. 

two girl friends smiling and laughing in front of building

The next book discussed that Anna struggles with is the Air Awakens series. Anna begins by stating how much she loves the first book, the second book was good too. The third in the series it all basically turns to smut between the main character and the prince — and she just couldn’t finish it. The book’s main character follows the trope of a weak and fragile girl. Which gives a great chance for some deep character development. The problem is… this series lacks DEEP character development. It also takes a frustratingly long amount of time for our leading lady to become stronger.

Celine then dives into her experience with the book Alex Approximately. In the throes of a down day, Celine decided to treat herself. Instead of getting ice-cream for comfort, she decided to treat herself to a book from Target. She ended up so upset and thoroughly disappointed by this book. She joked, “I wouldn’t even give it to Goodwill because I didn’t want anyone to have to read this book again”.

The next book that Celine just couldn’t get through is the novel Stalking Jack The Ripper. A creepy horror novel that follows a 17-year-old girl. She goes against expectations by secretly studying forensic medicine, which leads her closer and closer to a serial killer. This book is very descriptive. Its descriptions of the scent of a dead body prove to be a bit too descriptive — and a bit gross. The main character also follows the played-out “not like other girls” trope. Whilst still being quite predictable and similar to the aforementioned “other girls”. The concept for the book is there, but the main characters together are separately insufferable.

Want to hear the rest of the books that we couldn’t finish? Listen to the full episode here!

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